Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday 26th July

No photos today.

This morning was one of those different mornings in that there was no rushing to get packed up or ready to go for some tour. So, I went for a 30 km ride from the Caravan Park out to Ivanhoe Crossing and returning by riding through the town. A nice flat ride and I was able to push the old Giant mountain bike up to 35 km/hour on the way out. However, as I returned to town, the wind came up or at least it may have assisted me to keep the speed up going out. I did manage to maintain around 28 km/hour on return.

Prue was getting washing under way while I was out. Luckily, the laundry is about 40 metres away and the clothes line even closer.

I set up my massage table and then had a shower in readiness for the 3 massages I had to do this morning. All were interesting people and apparently enjoyed their massage.

While I was busy, Prue walked into the town and had some digital photos printed and then visited the Lovell Gallery again. She met Nadeen Lovell and chatted with her at length.

She returned as I finished and then towels to the wash. A nice fellow traveller offered to hang the towels out when they were washed. She said she wanted a little more to do. One problem we have found is that the red dust gets into everything and is almost impossible to remove.

We went out to Ivanhoe Farm, on the outskirts of the town, for lunch and coffee. It has fabulous food and coffee but the coffee is the most expensive we have encountered so far at $7.00 for a mug!! Maybe it is the freight! Anyway it was really nice.

Then to refuel as tomorrow we move to the Bungle Bungle area. It was about $2.00 per litre. Anyway we have to have it.

Then off to Coles to do the shopping for items we need to ensure we have for the next week or so as we will not see too many shops during that time.

On the way home, we checked out where to go to watch the Wallabies play the All Blacks on television. This is added later. The Wallabies beat the New Zealand All Blacks 34 to 19. The ABs should have won with all their possesion. We watched the game in a Sports Bar on a massive screen with not only a few All Black supporters but also 3 fellows from Tamworth NSW and they included Tony Windsor, the Federal Independent member for the NSW seat of New England, as well as a fellow I was at school with, Steve Warden. Great to spend the time with them and hear their stories of the Canning Stock Route, Mitchell Falls and El Questro. All locations we are going to.

So that is us for today. It may be at least next weekend before we get anything on the blog as we most likely will be out of range of the wireless network. Maybe in Hall’s Creek about Saturday I might be able to up load our Bungle Bungle visit.

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