Friday, September 12, 2008

12th September 2008

Eventually, I left Barkly Homestead Roadhouse after getting a machine made cappuccino. There was no great rush as I originally planned to stop at Avon Downs Rest Area opposite the Police Station.

I just cruised along stopping at the fewrest areas and have a walk around. My arrival at Avon Downs Rest Area was at about 1130 after driving about 230 kms. After I stopped, I went over to the Police complex and had a free instant coffee and made a small donation to the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

While at Avon Downs having a coffee, I thought that the free camp area was too exposed to stop. There is very little shade there except for the built shade areas. So little shade that I saw a goanna moving from the Rest Area to the Police complex on the opposite side of the Highway.

So I decided to move along at least to Camooweal just into Queensland. It was lunch time so I had a roll in the BP Roadhouse and an iced coffee. When I finished that I called the Sunset Caravan Park in Mt. Isa to see if I could get in a day earlier. That was no problem.

I finally arrived at the Caravan Park at about 1530 after driving about 460 kms for the day. As I booked in 3 people asked if they could get a massage. So I will be occupied during the next few days.

As a result of the potential massage work, I have put up the awning mainly as I will be here until Tuesday next week. It doesn’t take a bit effort to erect.

Then a shower, followed by dinner cooked by me and washed down with a red wine. Chatting to fellow travellers while cooking finds people from everywhere as usual.

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