Saturday, August 23, 2008

22nd August 2008

This morning was a normal type of morning for us both.

Prue set off on her walk to Cable Beach and along it. The tide was out a fair bit. On her way back she stopped off at a Cafe on Cable Beach.

I took off for another cycle ride around Broome. The only problem was that the wind was from the SE and blowing quite hard. I found out when I returned home that it was gusting to 50 km/hr. No wonder I was working so hard into the wind! Anyway, on the way back I was rewarded with a quick wind assisted ride of up to 40 km/hr. When I arrived back I had a cappuccino in the Karavan.

Later in the morning, we went into Broome to the Museum. It was extremely interesting relating stories of the Pearling Industry, the problems they experienced in the Second World War as well as a lot about their history. A lot of static displays and also documented displays. While there, we met up with another traveller, Dave from Melbourne. He was camped next to us for some days in Kununurra and helped check the Bravo when I received it back from the repairer. He is involved as a service engineer with heavy machinery and has a very nice new Landcruiser 200 series wagon which is set up nicely.

We had lunch at the Matso’s Broome Brewery. It was most pleasant looking out over the beautiful turquoise water off the coast. There were a lot of people there. We tried several of their brewed drinks. Prue had an apple cider with an alcohol level of 4.6% while I had a really nice ginger beer of only 3.6%.

A little later we drove into town to a little cafe that apparently the locals frequent. They certainly have very nice coffee which was beautifully made and presented. Again there were numerous people in this location.

We returned to the Caravan Park to find that wind had blown leaves all through the awning area. Thankfully, the wind was starting to abate so we could sweep the area clean of leaves.

Late afternoon, we went for a drive onto Cable Beach. We travelled about 10 kms along the beach. As we left the main area we noticed the camels being assembled for the afternoon camel rides. A short distance on the scenery changed to not only sand dunes devoid of trees but also a number a naked people sun bathing. We realised we were in the nudist area. So we kept driving and the people became less. Eventually, we turned around and retraced our steps. Most people were setting up to watch the sunset and sip a wine while waiting. We plan to do it next week.

So ended our day with the evening bringing a lovely long phone call from our friends Nick and Celia. Nick asked about showing the repairs that were carried out on the Bravo, so I am sure some would be interested to see how it was strengthened. A photo is included.

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