Friday, August 29, 2008

29th August 2008

This morning was the last morning for a ride around Broome as we are moving on tomorrow. I decided that I would retraced the boundary of Broome and take in the wonderful sights such as the colour of the tropical water from Town Beach, the view from the top of the rise near the Police Station in Carnarvon Street, then through the CBD and onto Broome Road. When I reached the junction of Broome and Gubinge Roads, turned left and rode to Cable Beach. The colour of the water was equally good at Cable Beach. There is no surf on these beaches but occasionally a little wave of about ½ a metre will come in.

After getting back to the Karavan, I found Prue had done some washing and some tidying around the area. Again, I was perspiring although the humidity was not so high. I removed and packed the sides of the awning and did some rearranging in the back of the Bravo.

Prue needed a massage, so after yesterday’s experience, I decided to give her a massage before I had a shower. Just as well as it was a repartition of yesterday. After the massage I packed the table away for travelling.

We then went to town to pick up the meat that has been Cryovac at the Tenderspot Meat Company. This was packed away in the freezer on the back of the Bravo.

Then into town for lunch and a few last minute items from Coles. The aborigines must have had pay day because they were mostly drunk and causing a nuisance around the place especially near any alcohol outlet, such as Liquorland

Apparently, most of the aboriginal problem is that there is a large number that are basically homeless because they have moved out of their community. This has come about because their community is an alcohol free area. They camp anywhere in town and leave behind a stinking and offensive mess behind. Early in the morning on my cycle rides, I have seen the glass and rubbish strewn everywhere including the streets and parks as well as any open ovals. During this ride, I have seen them starting to wake up and move away from their ‘camps’. This is very sad and a waste of human life.

The Police and Council are unable to move them on because they classed as untouchable. If anyone else camps in the incorrect location, there is a fine issued.

Anyway, the afternoon saw us start packing up for our return journey. We washed the awning roof to remove bird droppings and a lot of red dust. I think that will be around in or on our items for a while yet.

Late afternoon we went to Cable Beach to see the sunset for the last time, on this visit. We had a swim in the low tide water which had warm and cool patches in it but that was nice. Then we wandered back to the Bravo and had nibbles and a Brown Brothers-Dolcetto & Syrah as the sun was going down. It was spectacular, as the sun was setting a camel team walked past between us and the setting sun. It looked really wonderful.

As we left the beach, the traffic was so very slow or stopped for a while. As it slowly moved, we discovered that the W. A Police were breath testing all the vehicles either in the car park or coming from the beach. Thankfully, I did not even register.

We returned to the Karavan and completely removed the awning and packed it all away. It will make it a bit quicker to get away in the morning. While doing this, another Kimberley Karavan owner stopped to have a chat. They are from Cairns and have had theirs for about 18 months. Lots of chat about the Karavan.

Then we had our pasta dinner washed down by the remaining Brown Brothers-Dolcetto & Syrah. Thankfully, I did not have more than one glass at Cable Beach.

That now ends our visit to Broome and starts the return to the east coast. There is still a lot to see and do. It may be a couple of days before an update due to possible lack of access to the Internet.

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